Saturday, June 2, 2007

The highly biased Awards

The Himesh Reshamiya Award for most amount of time without smiling:
Jose Mourinho won quite easily having hardly smiled all season.

The Sleepeasy Mattresses Snorefest of the Year:
Chelsea- Liverpool Champions league semi-final 2nd leg at Anfield..arguably the most boring match I've ever seen.

The Donald Trump " Money money money mooonnnneyyyyy" award:
Michael Ballack who actually expects us to believe that he went to Chelsea because he thought they were a better club and the extra 40,000 pounds a week he makes there had nothing to do with it.

The Azharrudin award for most monotonously delivered speeches:
Mourinho again . His answer to everything is " Thats Football" .

The George Bush award for reply that most outstandingly avoided the question asked:
Mourinho again . When he was asked whether the better team won the league he said, " I am proud of my players. They are all heroes . They had to fight against everyzhing and I mean absolutely everyzhing . So I am proud of my players"

The Soprano family foulplay award :
Ben Thatcher's display of thuggishness (is that a word?) against Pedro Mendes.

The Shayan Munshi flip-flop award :
Steve McLaren who fought tooth and nail to convince England that dropping Beckham was a good move and later coming out singing praises like "He is the best right sided footballer in the world"

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